Pest Profile

Sorghum Midge
Contarinia sorghicola
  • Sorghum midge adults and damage to sorghum head
  • Sorghum midges

Pest Description

This insect is problematic in southern states and affects southeastern Kansas. In tropical and subtropical regions it is considered one of the most serious pests of grain sorghum. The adult is a tiny, reddish-colored fly only 1/8 inch long. Eggs are laid in flowers at bloom. The pinkish larvae feed on ovaries of seeds and darken to reddish orange as they mature. Infested seeds may exude an orange juice when squeezed. When adults emerge, an empty, clear-colored pupal case may remain attached to the glumes. Accurate diagnosis frequently requires laboratory inspection. If you are in doubt, take a head sample to your local Extension office for identification help.

Source of information

J.P. Michaud:

Pest photo source

Phil Sloderbeck, KSU Entomology