Aphids in Small Grains |
2010 |
Colorado |
Wheat stem maggot |
2010 |
Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming |
Wireworms |
2010 |
Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming |
Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus |
2010 |
Kansas |
Identifying Rust Diseases of Wheat and Barley |
2010 |
Kansas |
2010 Texas Wheat Variety Results |
2010 |
Texas |
Wheat Variety Descriptions and Comments for Varieties Planted in the Panhandle and Upper South Plains Variety Trials 2009-2010 |
2010 |
Texas |
Wheat Soilborne Mosaic |
2010 |
Kansas |
Wheat Stripe Rust |
2010 |
Kansas |
Take-All Root Rot |
2010 |
Kansas |