Brown Spot


This disease is very common early in the season but seldom persists until maturity, and yield losses are small. It is seed-borne or survives in crop residue. The disease can spread rapidly through a field by the blowing and splashing of spores. Angular brown spots form on leaves. Later, the leaves turn yellow and drop, giving the lower plant a barren appearance. The disease is most common in humid areas where rotation is not practiced. Crop rotation, removal of debris, and planting disease-free seed are recommended management practices.

Taken from Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service Publication #C-449. Soybean Diseases, Dr. Douglas J. Jardine, Extension State Leader, Plant Pathology Program.

Pest image (all)
Scientific Name
various spp.
Pest photo source
Dr. Doug Jardine, KSU Plant Pathology
Production period
Crop type