Handy Bt Trait Table for U.S. Corn Production


[The following content is direclty from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension: https://www.texasinsects.org/bt-corn-trait-table.html]

This 2-page document list the types of Bt present in all commercialized corn in the U.S.A. in a concise format. It presents the trade names for traits, Bt event, protein(s) expressed, targeted insects and herbicide traits.

Now in its 19th year, the Trait Table for field corn has become the standard as an authoritative reference to Bt toxins in corn. Dr. Chris DiFonzo at Michigan State University is the primary author, and questions or comments should be directed to her. If you would like to reprint the table in a local publication or  extension bulletin, contact Chris DiFonzo (difonzo@msu.edu or 517-353-5328) for a version modifiable for your state.

​The Trait Table for sweet corn is new in 2020, and questions should be directed to Ben Phillips, Michigan State University (phill406@msu.edu)  

Handy Bt Trait Table For FIELD CORN  (Revised version posted 3/1/2022)

​Handy Bt Trait Table for SWEET CORN (New publication, 5 February 2020). ​The Trait Table for sweet corn is new in 2020, and questions should be directed to Ben Phillips, Michigan State University (phill406@msu.edu

Citations for resistance statements in the Trait Table (4 Feb. 2020)

How to use the Trait Table (and what it tells you about your corn hybrid) 

The publication has a column titled 'Resistance confirmed to the combination of Bts in package' to highlight insect x Bt combinations with documented field-failures, confirmed resistance, or cross-resistance. These statements are based on published lab assays &/or field research. This column is intended to alert growers and consultants to potential management problems, influence seed selection, and encourage field scouting.

It is important to note that the Trait Table is a national publication and resistance may be widespread (as in western bean cutworm) or regional (as in corn rootworm). Check with your local seed company or extension personnel for the types of Bt resistance present in your area.

Book cover
Crop type