Additional Resources


Many tools and information resources are available to growers, seed producers, and wheat industry representatives. These resources provide the Great Plains region’s wheat industry with information about new varieties and good varietal selection decision making. It is recommended that those in the wheat industry use as many of these tools as possible when researching possible variety choices.

University Extension Services and Local Wheat Programs

Because production conditions are so variable across the Great Plains, local universities conduct performance trials at test plots located throughout the region to demonstrate the performance of a variety accross different environmental conditions. To guide producers in their selection decisions and further the development of promising varietal lines, the breeding programs include a broad range of environmental conditions including variation in precipitation levels, varietal maturity, seasonal temperatures, hail and freeze occurrences, and disease and pest occurrences. Performance results are published soon after harvest every year and are available through University websites, extension offices and websites, and state wheat commissions. Local crop reports, market information, and research news also are available through these outlets.


Colorado Wheat (CWAC, CAWG, CWRF): ( or call 1-800-WHEAT-10)

Colorado State University Cooperative Extension: (

CSU Crops Testing Program: (

CSU Wheat Breeding and Genetics Program: (


Kansas Wheat Commission and Kansas Association of Wheat Growers: (

K-State Research and Extension: (

Wheat Genetic and Genomic Resources Center: (


Montana Wheat and Barley Committee: (

Montana State University Extension: (


Nebraska Wheat Page: (

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Service: (

North Dakota

North Dakota Wheat Commission: (

North Dakota State University Extension: (


Oklahoma Wheat Commission: (

Oklahoma Wheat Growers Association: (

Oklahoma State University Extension Service: (

South Dakota

South Dakota Wheat Growers: (

South Dakota Wheat Commission: (

South Dakota State University Extension Crop Management: (


Texas Wheat Producers Board and Association: (

Texas A&M University Variety Testing Information:


Wyoming Wheat Growers Association: (

University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service: (

Wheat Field Days and Field Tours

Wheat Field Days are held every year in the late spring to early summer at various locations across the Great Plains region. Wheat Field Days are a good opportunity for growers to learn about new varieties developed by the wheat breeding programs. Wheat producers are able to view the performance of numerous varieties side-by-side under local growing conditions, allowing for them to make informed decisions about which varieties will work best in their wheat programs. Also included in Field Days are presentations by University wheat specialists, highlighting new wheat varieties, emerging wheat production issues, and trial conditions. Field tours are also available at some universities across the Great Plains, with benefits similar to those of Field Days. For more information, contact your local university extension office.
